Hello and welcome…
My name is Natalie and I am an Independent Enagic Distributor and entrepreneur. I live in beautiful BC, Canada with my husband, daughter, two dogs, two cats, two horses, flock of chickens, and a hive of bees. After that intro, it might go without saying that I am a hobby enthusiast, outdoor adventurer, traveler, health fanatic, earth lover and aspiring self-sustainable farmer. Together my husband and I are creating the lifestyle freedom of being able to work from wherever we choose, whenever we choose.
When I reflect on my life this far, I feel as though I have lived many versions of myself. In a way, I suppose, we all go through many metamorphoses to discover who we truly are at our core. Luckily for me, health and wellness have been a focal point throughout my life. My mother raised me, ahead of her time, to believe in and harness the power of holistic healing modalities. Now, being a mother myself, my goal in life is to leave my daughter with a wealth of this knowledge but also a legacy of wealth in the literal sense.
I am on a mission to create a community of freedom thinkers, health nuts and lovers of life. Join me and let’s grow together!
Many blessings,